Thursday, April 26, 2018

White House Eyes Explosive NAFTA Withdrawal Ploy -- What Could Go Wrong?

With the time available for getting NAFTA through the current Congress rapidly vanishing, the Trump administration is reportedly exploring the use of an accelerant. Under the plan, it would reach agreement in principle on a new NAFTA with Canada and Mexico by May 4. 
Then, as the administration presents implementing legislation to the Congress, perhaps in June, the President would also declare United States withdrawal from the North American Free Trade Agreement. This would start a six month clock, giving Congress the choice between adopting the President’s version or having no agreement at all. Mexico and Canada would presumably feel similar pressure to adopt the new deal. 
What could go wrong? Here’s a preliminary list, just to start the discussion.1. It is not clear the President has the authority to withdraw from NAFTA. This is the subject of extensive debate among legal scholars. On the one hand, the President has a dominant role in foreign policy, plus authority granted in the NAFTA statute to set tariffs appropriately, plus a provision for withdrawal in the NAFTA text. On the other hand, the Constitution gives Congress authority over trade policy (Article 1, Section 8) and NAFTA exists as a United States law, passed when Congress approved implementing legislation and President Clinton signed it; Presidents cannot generally repeal laws with the stroke of a pen. At a minimum, an attempt to withdraw from NAFTA would provoke law suits and the question would be thrown to the courts. 
2. NAFTA withdrawal would introduce significant uncertainty into global commerce. Passage would not be guaranteed. Businesses making investment and purchasing decisions in advance would need to place their bets. For Mexico, that might well mean looking for alternative agricultural suppliers, something the country has already begun to do. Or carving U.S. parts out of manufacturing supply chains. So there could be economic pain in the interim and, even if the ploy ultimately works, some of these lost sales might not snap back. 
3. There is no role for an “agreement in principle” in the legislation governing Congress’ consideration of trade agreements (TPA). The law talks instead of signing an actualagreement and submission of actual text. Even if ongoing talks go well, predictions are that only 10 of 30 chapters may be complete by April 20, with some of the most controversial left incomplete. That would leave substantial work to do. It might seem that the withdrawal ploy excuses the administration from such deadlines; who needs TPA when you have a credible threat? But proceeding without TPA would mean that the implementing legislation would lose the protections that the law offers. It could then be amended in Congress and could be filibustered in the Senate. Does the administration have 60 votes lined up in favor? Does it have the votes to fight off every tempting amendment anyone offers? 
4. To date, Republicans in Congress have had serious disagreements with President Trump on trade, but have tried to be accommodating. Yet Congress hates being jammed and having its Constitutional prerogatives challenged. Members of Congress have been docile on trade so far, but this ploy could wake them up. 
5. The NAFTA withdrawal timeline stretches right across U.S. midterm elections. It would be certain to be a major issue in campaigns and a significant distraction from the tax cuts Republicans want to highlight.  President Trump’s strategists seem to be counting on organized labor to deliver Democrats – reversing decades of anti-NAFTA rhetoric – and Republicans to ignore the expressed concerns of the business community on topics like Investor-State Dispute Settlement. President Trump might find that he’s not the only one who can get elected on anti-NAFTA rhetoric. 
6. Though the new NAFTA deal has not yet been finalized, there is nothing to indicate that it will be radically different in its effects from its predecessor. It is hardy a major reimagination of international trade. Instead, debates have focused on issues like altering rules of origin for automobile manufacture – all with the ultimate threat of a 2.5 percent tariff putting a serious limit on what kind of change might be effected. This may prove a severe disappointment to the President’s base, given the inflammatory rhetoric he used to describe the original.  
7. As a threat intended to motivate Mexican and Canadian compliance, NAFTA withdrawal has two key problems. First, a return to standard, non-NAFTA tariffs (MFN) would mean Mexico would raise tariffs on the United States significantly more than the United States would raise barriers to Mexico. This is the equivalent of the cry, “Do what I say – or I’ll shoot myself!” The other key problem is that Mexico has made clear its unwillingness to proceed under threat. The ploy would threaten to turn a viable path to passage in both countries into a politically-impossible feat.
8. The withdrawal move, if implemented in time to force a December Congressional vote, would come almost on the eve of the Mexican presidential elections. It could hardly be better-timed to bolster support for an anti-American candidate. This could be a serious foreign policy problem for the United States for years to come. 
9. An aggressive move of this sort would reinforce the reluctance of other countries in the world to engage in negotiations with the Trump administration. Countries like Japan seem already to have been deterred from joining bilateral talks, just by observing the process of NAFTA renegotiation.  How much worse if even successful negotiations conclude with a public affront? 
10. A U.S. withdrawal from NAFTA would embitter relations with Mexico and Canada and thereby undercut U.S. global efforts to rally allies to present a unified front to deal with China concerns. At a critical moment, it would sow discord in the ranks, on top of that already sown through steel tariffs. 
Beyond these cautions, it is telling that the administration has so little confidence in its new NAFTA deal that it feels it has to take the status quo anteoff the table, lest Congress find it more appealing. To date, markets have fluctuated between treating President’s trade approach as innocuous rhetoric and viewing it as a real source of concern. There’s nothing innocuous about the idea of blowing up NAFTA.


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