Life is not about selfishness, but it is about contributions. It is said that through the life stages of each individual person, she/he should try to be aware of "4L". The first L represents learning, so when a person is still young, she/he should try learn and gain more knowledge for him/herself. Then when she/he becomes maturity, she/he should try to live a life without depend on other so much. It is said that if we cannot help others, please don't make others difficult because of us. The third L represents leading which indicates that a person should try to inspire everyone for prosperity. Last but not least, a person should have left some good things for next generation after she/he has gone from the earth. He/she should keep some achievement for next generation to remember. To me, to share is to learn and I am enjoy of being a teacher compared to other jobs I do. I want to see the younger generation get better chance to learn, to work, and live with a better world. 

While I was doing online reading, I found out a personal blog, https: //blogs.edweek.org/teachers/classroom_qa_with_larry_ferlazzo/2018/05/response_i_love_my_job_as_a_teacher.html, conducted its survey related to this question, "If you had to do it all over again, would you still become a teacher? Why or why not?" There are some respondents who have answered as below:

Response From Shaeley Santiago

Absolutely! When I first became a teacher, I did not see myself staying in the profession long term. However, eighteen years into the job, I cannot see myself doing anything else. Why the change of heart? I have seen firsthand the effect a quality education has on students, and I am passionate about ensuring all students reap the benefits of school. Education is a pathway of hope, an equalizer in terms of opportunities for the future. Without an adequate education, earnings potential and quality of life are adversely impacted.

Having worked in education and seen where we fall short, I am motivated to ensure that educators do an even better job reaching each and every student. Typically, subgroups such as low SES, students of color, and English Language Learners (ELLs) are populations that struggle in our schools. The challenge of addressing their needs in a systematic fashion is one that provides meaning to my job. Some people might be discouraged by this daunting challenge, but I have found that working as a team with other teachers, instructional coaches, and administrators provides a support system to help me deal with the frustrations that could lead to burnout.

For those who are not so sure about becoming a teacher, I would encourage you to look beyond the forms, meetings, grading, and other mundane aspects of teaching. Instead, I would ask you to consider how you might be able to impact the future of your students. Think of the influence you could have on those who might be struggling to find their own purpose in life or to look beyond their current circumstances and imagine what they might someday become, thanks in part to the experiences and skills you provide them through your lessons. Imagine the excitement of a student working under your guidance and encouragement who struggles to read fluently but begins to make noticeable progress. As you work regularly with this student, you note the effort and intensity of focus that may have been lacking previously. You cannot help but to feel even more motivated to make sure the student reaches his goal.

Seeing the growth and progress of my own students, I have been inspired to develop my teaching skills. The desire to become more myself so that I can better help others is at the heart of my passion for education. Looking back on the teacher I was eighteen years ago, I know I have grown, but I also acknowledge areas where I still need to improve. In other words, there is still more work to be done, and I am committed to doing everything I can to ensure the success of students in my school district. That's why I would (and do) still choose to be a teacher.

Response From Stephen Lazar

Yes. Unquestionably yes. I became a teacher because I believed that what we do matters. I wrote the following towards the end of my student teaching experience, and somehow fourteen years later I still believe every word of it:

"The future is filtered through the walls of our schools. Schools are perhaps the primary socializing institution in our society. While the family and religion also play prominent roles in determining who people are, it is through the act of educating that youth are welcomed into the world that everyone in this country shares. The way in which we choose to educate our children will serve in many ways to create this shared world. If we desire to live in a world characterized by active democratic participation, critical evaluation of authority and the status quo, and social justice and equality, then we must find ways to mirror, question, and explore these notions in our schools."

"I believe that an education is a wonderfully unpredictable act. It is the unpredictability of action that gives hope for positive change in the world. One never knows the answer they will receive to a question. This is in many ways the beauty of education. It is through this questioning, through education, that we welcome students into the world that we share, and hand over to them the responsibility and awesome power to begin something new - to create, question, answer, write, speak, analyze, think, and be critical in ways that can never be predicted."

But while potentially grandiose notions of purpose are what got me started, and are what get me through the hardest times, to be honest, what keeps me a teacher is that I love my job. It is fun, challenging, and interesting. Every student I teach is different, which keeps me engaged and on my toes. Students find new ways to make me laugh every year.

Finally, being a teacher gives me a meaningful and reasonable life. Every person I know who is not a teacher is constantly dealing with some anxiety about the next job, or whether the current job is what they want to be doing. The constant pressure of other white collar work to move up seems to lead to a perpetual state of dissatisfaction which I have never really experienced as a teacher. My goal as a teacher is to constantly be a better teacher for my students, but that fundamental work does not, and will not, change. And while I'll never get rich being a teacher, I am paid enough to live a reasonable comfortable life, and can look forward to a secure retirement.

As the result, I found that not all respondents were satisified with their teaching careers, yet they still appreciated this profession. Unlike other well-paid careers, teaching cannot help you to be millionaires or rich man. It can only help you to gain respect from your students and society. In the below paragraphs, I would like to highlight my teaching subjects as well as some feedbacks from students.


Information technology as a phenomenon has and continues to permeate all aspects of the business. Some companies use computers and the Internet to manage all the function s of the business internally and externally. Such a firm is referred to as an electronic business. This module will discuss the concept of e-business and explain how the internet and other related technologies are changing different functions in business.

This is essential for anyone involved in a marketing or management role in Organizations. The learning points include both theories and practices. However, we expect that, after finishing this module, the students can align important theoretical concepts with the strategic adoption and usage of the internet for business.

By the end of this course, students will have a solid understanding of how to have ideas and running the business successfully. On successful completion, students will be able to gain:
• Knowledge
  • Demonstrate advanced knowledge of technical and business issues related to E-business and E-commerce;
  • Understand the process of E-business’s formulating, implementing, and evaluating;
  • Understand about contemporary technologies for globally distributed teams;
  • Understand the key features of web server architecture;
  • Identify the challenges and opportunities for E-business adoption; and
  • Identify key aspects of effective virtual teams.
  • Develop thinking skills in establishing business strategies with modern technological way;
  • Build up skills in leading the local company to the global market;
  • Build up-skill in developing real-world business software solutions;
  • Develop skill in the strategic formulation, implementation, and evaluation;
  • Work in a virtual team environment, developing high-level business requirement; and
  • Able to evaluate Mobile Business and related technologies
• Attitudes
  • Recognize the value of integrating the business into the global market;
  • Recognize the new trend of doing business;
  • Recognize the importance of internet applications and ICT System in business;
  • Develop the vision and mission of own company in competing in the globe; and
  • Commit themselves to integrate technology and ICT system with business mission, vision, and strategy. 

My name Sann Suyany, a freshman at BELTEI International University from faculty law and social sciences, majoring in International relationship. I am an ESL teacher for almost 3 years until present at BELTEI International School.

I have been learning research subject from lecturer UN NAY since year 3 until the last year of my bachelor degree. I and everyone admitted that research subject is the most difficult subject ever for me and other students. But Through this subject I have learned a lot and it was automatically changed me to become a better researcher. Honestly from the first time of learning this subject I learned nothing but because of lecturer he can make it happens for me. I have learned and understand deeply from the 5 chapters of doing research. In chapter 1 introduction I learned about background of research, research problem, research object, research question, expected benefits, scope and limitation, research definition. In addition, chapter 2 literature review I have learned about review on theories and studies, research variable, research framework and research hypothesis. Whereas, in chapter 3 research methodology I have learned about research design, population and sample, sampling strategy, data collection, reliability test, plan and data analysis. Moreover, in chapter 4 which is talking about data analysis and result. In this chapter I have learned about the analysis of respondents demographic, analysis of level of agreement, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and hypothesis testing. Lastly, in chapter 5 which is talking about conclusion, discussion, and recommendation. In this chapter which is the last step of doing research I have learned the most important lesson such as how to conclude the research, make a discussion on what is still lacking of my research and give the recommendation on how this research play such important role for me to do this research. And I also learned about limitation and future research for the next researcher who wish to do the same research as mine.

Thing happens in this world has positive and negative which we can only accept it. The good things from lecturer is he is patient, forgiveness, humble and be tolerate in any circumstance with the student even there are lot of students and many subjects he has to response. I really appreciate for what he did to me and the other student. He always response well whenever I ask. He tries his best for his student to offering his knowledge. For all the slides he has prepared for the student I know he spent a lot of time to create it and let the student understand it well. You always guided us to do a better research and to be successful in the future. You told me about the story of your life and I do believe that you are a hard working lecturer I’ve ever seen. You make me realize that nothing is impossible under our effort and our willingness. Research is hard but if you have commitment to do it, you can do it. And I have completed it. Whereas, For the bad things is when you are teaching you explain very fast sometime. I hope you can find any other technique to make the student understand clearly than this.

To be honest with you, you have changed my whole aspect on my learning. I wouldn’t be where I am today without you. Your encouragement and persistence in my junior years has taught me that I am better if I put my effort in it. and to get to the top it’s all down on me.

My name is Srey Vouchkhim. I am a year 4 semester 2 student in the faculty of Business Administration majoring in International Business. It’s a great pleasure for me to be a part of this wonderful moment in this University.

I’ve learned different subjects with Mr.Un Nay and one of the most important subjects to help me graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree in Bachelor’s Thesis. This thesis would not have been possible without the support, advice, teaching and encouragement I received from Mr. Un nay. Moreover, I take this opportunity to express and show my gratitude to people, and especially I would like to thank Mr. UN NAY for his assistance and guidance with this Research. His contribution helps me and other students find it easier. He shares his idea, helps us through a difficult time, manages to understand our struggle and make us feel easy to share our thought with him. He is a perfectionist, skill in teaching, one of the best professors we could meet. He is very caring and supportive toward us especially during the research subject study. He explains with a precise and clear word which makes us understand more and be able to complete our task in no time.

Finally, I would like to pay my gratitude to Mr.Un Nay, without his help, sharing, and precise teaching, I would be nowhere to complete my thesis. I am thankful for his teaching and advice throughout the year. I am also showing my deepest sorry for any mistakes we have met toward him. Thank You, lecturer.

My name is SE SOKNA, a year 4 student from the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences at BELTEI International University.

After I have learned a subject which is about “Bachelor Thesis” with my lecturer “UN NAY” especially, based on my own experience as I used to study with him, I am going to express my opinion in this reflection paper on him. Honestly, since I start to study at school until finished my university life, I have known that always keep in mind that school is my second home and teacher is my second parents because teacher always provided students a good advice to make students know what is good and what is bad and working hard by teaching all students based on his educational background and experiences to make students get high education and have a future bright. That way after I have learned with my lecturer “UN NAY”, I have noted about some good points of him. Initially, I really appreciate about his educational background and experience in teaching. Of course! He is the one of high educated person because he doesn’t have only one Bachelor’s Degree but he also got Master’s Degree from abroad and counting his Doctorate Degree as well.

More importantly, he has a good experience in teaching this subject for all students as he used to succeed in his research paper during studying abroad. Secondly, he is a hard working lecturer. Why I said like that? Absolutely, a subject “Bachelor Thesis” is very difficult subject, it’s not easy for lecturer to make students easy to catch up and understand clearly if they don’t have enough time to study and practice more by themselves. However, my lecturer always tried so hard to teach and explain all students from one lesson to another lesson with provided a sample of research paper to make students easy to understand, shared students with a good idea and new knowledge which related to some program that students need to use in their research paper, and sometimes, he helps students by cutting his free time to answer all questions to student even in the class and through telegram. Lastly, it’s not really a good point but maybe it’s because of lack of time (NO CLASS BECAUSE OF HOLIDAY).

In this, I mean that sometimes, He tries to finish the lesson for the students by explaining them so fast but I think it can affect for some students, if they cannot follow up and catch up with his explanation quickly. Hence, it’s also make them missed understanding about some points and cannot finished their research paper well. In conclusion, I would like to express my profound thank to him for working hard to provide a good knowledge and new idea for me and other students. Last but not least, I wish you good health, good luck, and success in your life.

My name is Chhun Chakriya, a year four student at BELTEI international University, majoring in International Relations. In my last year at this University, I have learnt a lot of subjects such as Negotiation skills, Global governance etc. However, Bachelor thesis is one of the subjects among those subjects. I learnt this subject with lecturer Un Nay.

First of all, I would like to talk about the contents of this subject. As can be known by many university students. Bachelor thesis or research methodology subject is not an easy subject. Moreover, it is quite new for all of the students which requires us to attentively listen to the instruction from the lecturer. Besides, we have to read a lot of sources from articles, journals, online websites etc. in order to broaden our understanding and knowledge on the specific topic that we choose for our research writing. Last but least, at the last two chapters of the research writing, we have to be able to use SPSS program or other programs to analyze the results in quantitative research and our analyzing skill in qualitative research. 

By the way, I feel very grateful that Mr. Un Nay is my lecturer in Thesis bachelor subject. He is a well-prepared lecturer. He is an easy person, but a bit strict in some parts, especially when he is teaching. He always tries his best to make students easy to understand the lesson and provide extra materials which he thinks this could help his students. Besides, he always takes his own time in helping students doing the samples in research writing which make us as a student feel that research is not too hard for us. He rarely blames when the students do something wrong but assists and help them correct their mistakes instead. However, in my opinion, it should be better if he slower his explanation on the specific point by not introduce the other point yet.

Last but least, it would be better if he posts each task one by one so that the students don’t feel too much work and are motivated to do. To sum up. I am grateful to study this subject with him. I can say that he is the most understanding and tolerant person.

Hello! My name is Nop Chanmonyrath, a bachelor candidate in majoring in International Business at BELTEI International University, batch six (2017-2021).

One of my favourite lecturer at BIU is You, Lecturer UN NAY. I have been your student for 3 years since I first studied with you in Year 2 semester 1. I have learnt many subjects from you, including English 2A, Research Methodology, E-business, Bachelor’s thesis, and so on.

My favourite subject from you was a subject that you taught me the first time, which was English 2A. English 2A is a subject that is not difficult and is convenient to catch up, since it studies about English as general (Grammar, Vocabulary, Writing, Speaking, and Listening), as International programme student like me, us, BIU-er. We studied, competed, challenged, and had fun at the same time back then. My other favourite subject was E-business. I have been studied so hard because I am an International Business student and studying this subject has brought me an insight on how to do business not only offline but online world. After that, the following subjects about research things are Research Methodology and a Bachelor’s thesis. Nahhhh! I am sure 99.9% of all students studied this subject, weather Research Methodology, or Bachelor’s thesis, might suffer a lot. It was hard for the student to catch up since it was the first subject that taught about research, and research thing is not easy as what you think it is, yet it was not easy for lecturer to teach as well, since this subject remained calmer, more patient and effort from lecture to make his student understand. However, Lecturer Un Nay, MAKE IT! For me, myself, I have changed from a student who did not even understand what is research, how to use those research tools such as Endnote, SPSS, and AMOS, to a young researcher of BELTEI IU, Thank you, Lecturer Un nay, for always be a good supervisor for us.

What I like the most about you is the way you inspire people as well as your methodology in classes. You always share insightful knowledge on scholarships, jobs, work-life balance, love to us, as students, to across the good path. You always inspire us not to give up on our dream. You always respect students. You put all of your knowledge, experience, and effort into teaching us. Everything comes up with positive and negative, no perfectness in this world. One point that I think it simplifies negative about you is that you rarely response the chat and sometimes no response. This Covid-19 era hit both students and teachers so hard in communicating with each other since people need to study online. When I do not understand the lesson, I ask you through the chat, you never response my question, It upsets me sometimes you know. I know you’re busy with your work and your personal life, and everyone is busy the same, but at least response the chat since the video call sometimes cut off the communication/information because of the unstable network that makes students cannot catch up with the lesson. Nevertheless, it is not a big deal, since I as well as other students can watch the video that you have recorded before teaching.

To be truthful with you, even though sometimes I get upset or mad on you, but you are still my favourite lecturer among all and I am so sorry for every misunderstood mistake that I have made on you. That moment brings me the peace memory about my university life with you, as my guide lecturer. I am so lucky that I can be your student and having you as my lecturer. Love, Teacher

Hello out there! My name is Nika Oeun, I am year 4th student of BELTEI International University and almost done with it. I used to study with Mr. Un Nay around 3 semester I think and the last subject I have learnt with him is Bachelor Thesis which requires student to write thesis paper for school. If you ask me what do I think about Mr. Un Nay, I have both bad and good sides for him. It doesn’t happen when I am in year 4, but it happened since we first met. So now let share some points for him. 

For good point, he’s a good lecturer who care about students and always be student’s support when students need. He never says no to help. Another good point, he’s skillful with what he’s doing. Slide presentation and teaching skills are perfect, he know how to explain students to know what he wants them to know within example in reality which give us opportunities to use our critical thinking, to open our mind, and to explore what we should know around us. He’s really good at it. I think I should mention only three good points so the last one is, he’s multi-tasked lecturer. He works different workplaces and he’s good at time management and especially he never complains even once. In contrast, he encourages us to see opportunities better than staying still and complains. He proves us that life can’t be going forward if you keep doing what we always do. I learnt from him a lots. Thanks You! 

So now we move to back point, I think I have to let him know too. First bad point I have seen is you’re too good for students like us. We’re working, we’re tired, we want to feel classroom like relaxing place to be in, but last subject I am in, I feel like classroom is boring. Teacher says and does what he should and students are force to be in class even they’re useless to be in. I don’t feel bad on him actually since I know this is from management team as well, but it should be changed so we can go further. I have only 2 bad points on him as third point will be covid-19 pandemic so I don’t want to talk much about that. Move to his second bad point, I can see him seem like getting too much stress, I don’t know why as he’s working the same job and time but getting much stress. His stresses affects us by his words and body, he seems not like the day we meet him. He’s getting weird with us, talk less with us, and ignore us sometimes. Frankly, we can see this since you have released your first love. Sorry to say it but it’s true. In name of student who always love and respect you, I would like to say “Don’t let anyone to ruin what you work hard for, it’s useless”. I think my things are done and thank you for reading, happy to be your student and have good memories with you!!!

My name is Chhea Vandalin, a senior student at BELTEI International University, majoring in International Business. During my 4 years journey at this amazing university, I have met different people including the management staff, lecturers, and friends who play an important role in making my university’s life more memorable and enjoyable. Moreover, I have seen a significant improvement in both soft and hard skills which is the foundation for me to prepare for my future career. As for my development, I believe it can be achieved mainly through the lecturers’ advice and support.

Among all the lecturers, Mr. UN NAY is one of my favorite lecturers. He used to teach me many subjects namely E-business, English for Business Communication, and Research methodology. On top of that, he was also my supervisor who guided me to complete my research paper. He is surely my favorite lecturer of all time because he is resourceful in terms of teaching plus understanding and supportive in terms of interaction with the students. He is always punctual, so he comes to class early and prepares the materials before the class starts. While he teaches, I never find his class boring because his explanation is very brief and easy to understand. Most of the time he would prepare the slides for each lesson, note down the important points and explain to the students some diagrams or pictures. He also gives homework and assignment for students to do after the lesson ends to measure their understanding of the lessons. Although he might be strict when he grades the students’ tasks or assignments, he is also very supportive. Whenever I and the other students encounter any problems or questions, I can ask him immediately, and he can provide me the answers or solutions to the best of his knowledge. He says no when I and the other students ask for advice or any suggestions. As I have mentioned above, he was also my supervisor for my thesis writing. He guided me along the journey to help me choose the best topic and led me to the right track until I finished my research study.
All in all, I am beyond grateful to have known him and study with him for the past 4 years, and I will never forget all the good advises and supports that he has given to me for my improvement throughout my university life.

CAMIU (Evening Group)
Internship Meeting, IR students (Evening)

Batch 9, Evening Class (NP)

Batch 9, Evening Class (NP)

Batch 9, Morning Group-Girls (IP)

Batch 9, Morning Group-Boys (IP)

Batch 9, Morning Group (IP)

Batch 9, Weekend Group (IP)

Batch 9, Evening Group ( IP)

Batch 9, Weekend Group (IP)

Batch 9, Morning Group (IP)

Batch 9, Evening Class ( IP)
CAMIU, Evening Group

Batch 9, Morning Group (IP)
Batch 4, Evening Group (IP)
Batch 5, Weekend (IP)


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